Athletic Therapy
What is Athletic Therapy?
Athletic Therapists have four years of practical education specializing in musculoskeletal function, disfunction, health, and injury. They are proficient at assessing and rehabilitating both acute and chronic injuries. In the clinical setting they use a combination of manual therapy, electrical modalities, and exercise prescription to treat the entire athlete (or athlete at heart) to return them quickly and efficiently to an active, pain-free lifestyle. On the field, Athletic Therapists are First Responders who are highly skilled in prevention, recognition, and proper immediate treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, environment related illnesses, and concussions.
For more information:
In the Clinic:
Acute Injury Management
Chronic Pain Management
Thorough Assessment to Determine Cause
Pre and Post – Operative Rehabilitation
Athletic and Kinesio Taping
Cupping and IASM Soft Tissue Work
Electric Modalities (IFC, TENS, Muscle Stimulation)
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Exercise Prescription
Concussion Management
On the Field:
Assessment and acute treatment of musculoskeletal injuries:
Spinal Injuries
Prevention, recognition, and treatment of environment related conditions:
Heat Stroke
Heat Exhaustion
Frost Bite
Recognition, assessment, and management of concussions and other head injuries
Emergency care:
Oxygen Administration*
Neck and Spine Immobilization
Emergency Action Plan Activation
Pre- event taping
First aid
*Where equipment is available